Summer Preaching Series: Dis[place]d

Date: Wednesday, June 12, 2024, 12:00 AM - Saturday, August 24, 2024, 12:00 PM

"This summer our Sunday worship will explore the themes of displacement and what it means to find home with each other and with God. Displacement is an experience that comes with many emotions: fear, grief, loss, anxiety, and uncertaintyand so together we will learn more about how to name these emotions in ourselves, process our experiences, and seek God's loving presence. Despite the discomfort of displacement, it can be a place where we connect deeply with the divineand a place where we can stand in solidarity with others experiencing the same suffering or distress. In our worship, we will be hearing from biblical stories where God's people navigated displacement and we will be finding wisdom in these ancient circumstances so that we can live as modern people​ who demonstrate compassion for all displaced peoples. We invite you to join us for this series, and we hope that it will bring you new insights in your spiritual journey, family life, and dreams for our collective future."

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