
Serving the church and our community is a part of our identity

As a church, we actively search for ways to reinvest in our community. We want to bless others with the time, energy and resources that we have been given. Whether it is an investment in relationships, serving, prayer, or financial gifts, we believe that it is important to give back.

At Bremerton UMC, we have lots of opportunities for you to grow in faith through serving. Those include:

During the school year (September through may), twice a month, a choir anthem is part of our Sunday worship. In addition to our normal Sunday rhythm, a few times each year, our choir joins in special worship services conducted in partnership with the Bremerton WestSound Symphony!

Practice times for the 2024/25 school year will be announced in August.

Our Praise Band leads the congregation in at least two pieces of music during each Sunday worship service throughout the year; and lead the residents of a local retirement home in songs most Wednesday afternoons.  Practices take place each Wednesday from 1:30-3:00pm in the Sanctuary.  All are welcome to join or just come and sing along as they practice.

Have a passion for those struggling with food insecurity? This team coordinates shopping for food, organizing items, and stocking the pantry daily to help feed those in need in our neighborhood! 

Volunteers needed to adopt a day to fill the pantry.

Do you love to host and welcome others? This team prepares for Sunday morning Coffee Hour, organizes our community potlucks, and supports other events that happen in our church building. Serving time included most Sunday mornings. Other opportunities available depending on need.

Do you love checking in with friends and making new connections? This team provides emotional and spiritual support for sick or homebound community members and works with the Pastor to connect those in need to local resources. Serving times vary, depending on need.

Have an interest in the latest gadgets and innovative technology? This team is responsible for producing our Sunday morning livestream and connecting with our online church audience in our digital sanctuary.  They also provide audio support to wedding, memorials and other events. Serving times include most worship services and other times, depending on the need.

On Sundays, as a Kids Ministry volunteer, you will cultivate an environment for our children a the Kids Table (at the back of the Sanctuary) so that they can join in the overall Sunday worship experience, but catered to their age group. Serving times are during Sunday Worship.

Bremerton UMC is passionate about serving in our local community, so we gather various times throughout the year to complete special projects that benefits our Kitsap County neighbors! All Church Serve Days are intergenerational events so all ages, skill levels, and abilities are welcome to join in on the fun! For more information about future All Church Serve Days, check out the Events tab! 




Serve at Bremerton UMC

Are you ready to find a place to serve the church and community? Let us know below!

Sign Up to Serve